Adult Eye Exams
Regular eye care and exams can protect and preventmany eye diseases, if detected early.
If I’m seeing fine, why do I need an Eye Exam?
Glaucoma, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration are just a few of the common eye diseases which can affect older patients.
Even if your vision is fine, annual eye health exams are critical for detecting eye and systemic diseases in the early stages when it is easier to prevent vision loss. We encourage you to help maintain your quality of life with good eye care.
People with diabetes, high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis and those taking certain medications are especially at risk for eye diseases and vision loss.
Thanks to advancing medical technology, a whole range of eye problems can be treated successfully without total vision loss.
Many vision problems can begin at an early age, so it’s also important for you and your family to schedule an appointment with Dr. Davis & Dr. Turner, your preferred optometrist in Eden, NC.